Read the March 2024 issue of Robotics & Automation online now! Packed with industry news, exclusive interviews and original features, including…

- ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION 2024 PREVIEW: What to expect at the UK’s largest annual exhibition dedicated to robotics and automated technologies, including insight into conference agendas, exhibitors, an all-new innovation trail and more…
- INDUSTRY 4.0: A look at the smart technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and how they are driving innovation in industry like never before.
- CLEANING ROBOTS: How autonomous cleaning robots are making industrial cleaning processes safer and more efficient by working collaboratively with people.
- SPECIAL REPORT: MODULAR WAREHOUSE AUTOMATION: A special article from Robotics & Automation and Logistics Manager’s editorial teams on developments in warehouse automation ahead of the co-located Robotics and Automation and IntraLogisteX 2024.
- AI ROUNDUP: An essential digest of the major news stories affecting AI in the past 12 months, from international policy to cutting-edge deployments.
- FACTS AND FIGURES: A breakdown of the machine vision market, in numbers.
- ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION NEWS AND ANALYSIS: A roundup of the key stories impacting the robotics and automation sectors from the industry’s leading B2B title. Will Kinghorn from Made Smarter dives into how automation is powering the future of the UK’s manufacturing SMEs.
- EVENTS NEWS: Exclusive report on two essential new events for those working across logistics and automation: the UK-based Robotics & Automation Conference and the launch of IntraLogisteX in the USA.